SiteKickr Web Development

HTML Frames – they still have some life in them

I'm not sure if I'll get slack for this post. Frames, at one time, carried the popularity that AJAX does today. But they've since been frowned upon because they:

Because of these usability and indexing issues, the <frame> and <frameset> elements have been completely remove from the HTML 5 specification. In my opinion though, I think they could have stuck around. They're extremely useful for certain types of interfaces, such as control panels, extranets and website administration backends.

So useful, in fact, that I recently adopted them in a recent administrative tool I created. Thankfully, browsers still support them.

Being able to wrap sections of your application in a frame brings a few advantages:

<frameset rows="64,*" border="0" frameborder="no" framespacing="0">
    <frame src="/top-navigation.cfm" border="0" frameborder="no" scrolling="no">
    <frameset cols="256,*">
        <frame name="leftnav" src="/left-navigation.cfm">
        <frame name="content" src="/page1.cfm">

The above code makes a good deal of sense. Frames are a natural way to lay out a web document, and provide great speed and usability enhancements as well.